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Monday, April 12, 2010

Beer is the oldest and most consummed alcoholic beverage in the world

Beer is the third most popular drink after water and tea.

Apparently, during the 16 day festival of Oktoberfest held each year in Munich (Germany), in 2008: about 6.2 million visitors drank about 6.94 million liters of beer, and ate 142,253 pairs of pork sausages, 58,446 units of pork knuckles and 521,872 chicken units.

According to a News Release from Kirin (Japanese Brewery Company) in 2004, Czech Republic detains the record of beer consumption, with an average of 156.9 liters (5305 fl oz) per year, per person!

Rank | |
in | Country | Consumption
2003 | | (L/person/year)
1 | Czech Republic | 156.9
2 | Ireland | 131.1
3 | Germany | 115.8
4 | Australia | 109.9
5 | Austria | 108.3
6 | UK | 99.0
7 | Belgium | 93.0
8 | Denmark | 89.9
9 | Finland | 85.0
10 | Luxembourg | 84.4
11 | Slovakia | 84.1
12 | Spain | 83.8
13 | USA | 81.6
14 | Croatia | 81.2
15 | Netherlands | 79.0
16 | New Zealand | 77.0
17 | Hungary | 75.3
18 | Poland | 69.1
19 | Canada | 68.3
20 | Portugal | 59.6

Source: Kirin